Monday, May 14, 2012


Today was amazingly productive. As I worked 12s Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week I have been off for the past 4 days. As always, I went into the stretch with grand plans that got pushed aside as other parts of my life moved in. That isn't really a bad thing and I am working on not beating myself up about it. After the semester a few days off time spent lounging was needed. I went shopping, drove to Cincinnati to watch the Reds lose and read for fun. I did spend time cleaning my sewing room (there was a floor under there!) and I think that helped me get back into the swing of creating.

Today I woke up with John - he taught an early class and so the alarm went off at 6:30 (note to self: you are much happier when you get up early - you don't think so at the time, but in the long run you are). The temptation to lay in bed was there, but I had promised breakfast burritos and so to the kitchen I went.  After John went to work I cleaned the house, sent some emails, went to Lowes and the grocery store, got some chai and a scone, chopped fruit for the week, made a bean salad and then it was noon!

My "Apples for Isia" quilt just waiting for some handstitching

That meant an afternoon in which I could work out, sew, spend time in the hammock, sew in the hammock, try not to fall asleep in the hammock, and of course think about things I could sew FOR the hammock without any guilt. Bliss.

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